Volume 30, Suppl. 1, 2024
- Investigation of some snow probes from Rila mountain and its energy spectra
Stefan T. Todorov, Lidia T. Popova
2024-12-13 Volume 29, No 2, 2023
- Economy and diversity of aquaculture production in Bulgaria: status and trends
Eliza Uzunova, Javor Markov, Angelina Ivanova, Stanka Delcheva, Tania Hubenova
2023-04-26 Volume 29, No 1,2023
- Agricultural waste processing technology and its relationship with the organic products industry
Aleksander Agapkin, Irina Makhotina, Vasiliy Karagodin, Aleksandra Utkina, Sergei Kalachev and Assel Izembayeva
2023-02-23 Volume 27, No 5, 2021
- The relationship between the content of heavy metals Pb and Zn in some components of the environment, fishes as food and human health
Elica Valkova, Vasil Atanasov, Tatyana Vlaykova, Tanya Tacheva, Yanitsa Zhelyazkova, Dimo Dimov and Kristian Yakimov
2021-10-19 - The relationship between the content of heavy metals Cd and Cu in some components of the environment, fish as food and human health
Elica Valkova, Vasil Atanasov, Tatyana Vlaykova, Tanya Tacheva, Yanitsa Zhelyazkova, Dimo Dimov and Kristian Yakimov
2021-10-19 Volume 27, Suppl. 1, 2021
- Innovations in the professional education of teachers and trainers in the field of sustainable agriculture development
Tonya Georgieva, Yvonne Grau, Malgorzata Berova, Rumyana Georgievaand Yordan Yordanov
2021-09-13 Volume 26, Suppl. 1, 2020
- Primary factors influencing sheep welfare in intensive and extensive farming systems a review article
Ivelina Nedeva
2020-12-15 Volume 26, No 2, 2020
- Health risk from heavy metals via consumption of food crops grown on the soils in the vicinity of manganese mine
Senad Murtic, Emir Sahinovic, Hamdija Civic and Josip Jurkovic
2020-04-30 Volume 26, No 1, 2020
- Exploitation of soil properties for controlling herbaceous plant communities in an organic cultivation of Lippia citriodora in the Mediterranean landscape
Alexandra D. Solomou, Elpiniki Skoufogianni, Nicholaos G. Danalatos
2020-02-26 Volume 21, No 4, 2015
N. M. Ruzdik, D. Valcheva, L. Mihajlov, S. Mitrev, I. Karov, V. Ilieva
2017-09-18 Volume 19, No 4, 2013
- Effect of Genotype x Environment Interaction on Grain Yield of Winter Wheat Varieties
R. Protic, G. Todorovic, N. Protic, R. Djordjevic, D. Vicentijevic, D. Delic, M. Kopanja, R. Prodanovic
2019-02-20 Volume 19, No 1, 2013
- An overview of the copper situation and usage in viticulture
G. R. Kovačič, M. Lešnik, S. Vršič
2019-03-29 Volume 18, No 3, 2012
- Honeybees - bioindicators for environmental quality
I. Zhelyazkova
2019-06-28 Volume 17, No 4, 2011
- A review of agribusiness copper use effects on environment
M. Pavlovic