Volume 30, No 5, 2024
- Viability of canola seeds by the tetrazolium test
Soryana G. F. de Melo
, Raíssa Silva Pereira
, Flávio Santana Onnis
, Nermy Ribeiro Valadares
, Alcinei Mistico Azevedo
, Guilherme Vieira Pimentel
, Anderson Barbosa Evaristo
, Marcela Carlota Nery
2024-10-24 Volume 27, Suppl. 1, 2021
- Study on biostimulant application at oilseed rape damaged by simulated herbicide drift
Nesho Neshev, Dobrinka Balabanova, Mariyan Yanev, Anyo Mitkov, Tonyo Tonev and Andon Vasilev
2021-09-16 Volume 18, No 1, 2012
- The Influence of Row and Intra-Row Spacing to Seed Yield and Its Components of Winter Sowing Canola in the True Mediterranean Type Environment
B. Uzun, E. Yol, S. Furat