Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Ethical Guidelines

Publishing articles

The Journal publishes original science articles, reviews and short scientific messages with original experimental data or new interpretations of existing results who are responsible by thematic of journal.

After receipt, the manuscript is subjected to doble blind peer-review.  The author shall be notified if the manuscript is accepted or rejected.

The editor staff does not have a responsibility for incorrect citation, website content and infringement of copyright.

In its editorial policy the journal follow international standards for publications ethics, just like the principles, standards, and the best practices for ethical conduct in publishing by COPE.

The standards of ethics shall apply for all participants in publishing: authors, editors, reviews.


Responsibilities of authors

The author must submit original manuscript, who is not published and submitted for examination elsewhere.

The author must confirm his responsibilities by manuscript – he must complete and give the form about Authors’ declaration.

The author must submit the manuscript in accordance with all demands, pointed on journal website.

The author does not have the right to want and receive reviewer’s names.


Responsibilities of editors

 The editor must guarantee anonymity when they give the manuscripts for review.

The editor must not reveal content of the manuscripts to no one else except the reviewer.

The editor must comply standards of ethics in his relationships with all participants in publishing process. He must not have any forms of discrimination for information by authors, manuscripts, and reviewers.

The editor-in-chief gets the final decision to accept or reject the manuscript considering his significance, originality and contribute to development of journal.


Responsibilities of reviewers

The reviewer shall assist to improve the quality of the manuscript with objective assay. He shall provide impartial, construction and detailed assessment of his scientific content.

The reviewer should value the manuscript's confidentiality. The manuscript does not have to be revealed or deliberated with third parties.

The reviewer should know all potential conflicts of interest (finances, institutional, join or other relationships between reviewer and author). He was to warn editor for this. If is necessary, the reviewer must quit with manuscript assessed.

The reviewer must quit with the manuscript's assessment if he finds that it fails within its remit. This is same if the reviewer finds that when in the peer review process.

The reviewer appreciated objective scientific value and quality of the manuscript without personal comments for author or manuscript.