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Current Issue
Volume 30, No 6, 2024
- Cooperatives and credit cooperatives in East Africa: from improving the economic welfare of low-income earners to becoming a source of growth
Ruthyana Ngundo
2024-12-16 - Export of macroelements with sunflower biomass in dependence of fertilizer types andnorms
Iliyana Gerasimova
, Ana Katsarova
, Zdravka Petkova
2024-12-16 - Effectiveness of micronutrient mobilization from a controlled-release fertilizer in soils with different physico-chemical characteristics
Milchena Atsenova, Irena Atanassova
2024-12-16 - Pyrogenic carbon in soils dominated in mine-energy regions of Bulgaria
Venera Tsolova
, Martin Banov
, Viktor Kolchakov
, Plamen Tomov
2024-12-16 - Influence of irrigation and fertigation on pomological characteristics of white strawberry fruits
Elena Grancharova
, Georgi Kostadinov
, Blagoj Elenov
, Emilija Elenova
2024-12-16 - Comparative biometric characterisation of organs in the male flower sphere in seedless grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.)
Venelin Roychev
, Neli Keranova
2024-12-16 - Results of testing of new hybrids Burley Tobacco
Yovko Dyulgerski
2024-12-16 - Inheritance, heterosis and combinatorial ability in G. hirsutum L. G. barbadense L. interspecific crosses
Valentina Dimitrova
, Minka Koleva
2024-12-16 - Assessment of the vertical spread of main fungal pathogens causing leaf spot
Spasimira Nedyalkova
, Petar Chavdarov
2024-12-16 - Impact of drought stress on germination and seedling growth of three forage legumes species (Fabaceae)
Hadjer Makhloufi
, Lynda Hannachi, Henia Daoudi, Djamel Medjebeur
2024-12-16 - Comparison of yield components and detection of seed size associate locus SW9-1 in elite soybean breeding lines
Katerina Stefanova
, Mariana Radkova
, Galina Naydenova
, Anelia Iantcheva
2024-12-16 - Studies on insecticidal activities of 2-Benzylthio-5-(4-Aminophenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole against Helicoverpa armigera
S. М. Turaeva
, D. S. Ismailova
, Sh. Sh. Khasanov
, P. А. Nurmakhmadova
, B. Zh. Elmuradov
, Sh. S. Azimova
, D. Т. Juraev
2024-12-16 - Effect of the concentration of vitamin D3 on the Alanine-aminotransferase (ALT) and Aspartate-aminotransferase (AST) enzymes
Hayder Mohammed H. Habeeb
, Mohammed Hakim A. Bresam, Eleas M. Wu
2024-12-16 - Effect of partial substitution of soybean meal with autolyzed brewers yeast on the productivity and health status of weaned pigs
G. Yordanova
, R. Nenova, R. Nedeva
, A. Apostolov, K. Eneva
2024-12-16 - Apparent and true metabolizable energy and true digestibility of the essential amino acids of chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) experimented with adult roosters
Sashka Chobanova, Dimo Penkov
2024-12-16 - A genome-wide SNPs searching using the Illumina BeadChip in Jalgin Merino sheep breed
A. Krivoruchko
, A. Likhovid
, A. Kanibolotskaya
, T. Saprikina
, N. Kizilova
, M. Kukharuk, O. Yatsyk
2024-12-16 - GWAS analysis of milk composition traits in Ayrshire cattle breed
Artem Dysin
, Marina Pozovnikova
, Olga Tulinova
, Yurii Scherbakov
2024-12-16 - Pedigree analysis of Ile de France sheep breed in Bulgaria
Zhivko Duchev
, Evgeniya Achkakanova
2024-12-16 - Genotyping of Progesterone receptor gene in two rabbit breeds using PCR-RFLP assay
Milena Bozhilova-Sakova
, Denis Viryanski
, Ivona Dimitrova
, Maya Ignatova
2024-12-16 - Phylogenetic analysis and chemical composition of sinipercid fishes from the Northern mountainous area of Vietnam
Le Minh Chau, Ho Thi Bich Ngoc, Vu Thi Hanh
2024-12-16 - Influence of black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa L.) addition on the main characteristics of bread
Toncho Kolev, Rosen Chochkov
, Zlatin Zlatev
2024-12-16 - Effect of freezing and drying on the bioactive compounds and antioxidant potential of garlic
Nassima Senani
, Samia Bedouhene
, Thinhinane Rekeb
, Lamia Bouadjela
2024-12-16 - A drone-based study on the possibilities of agricultural crop assessment using reflectance index in NIR
Asparuh Atanasov
2024-12-16 - Investigating the impact of the costs for the floor profile on the technological flexibility of six-row buildings for free-box breeding of dairy cows
Vanya Dimova, Dimitar Georgiev
2024-12-16 - Knowledge of cattle farmers toward foot mouth disease in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi
V. S. Lestari
, D. P. Rahardja
, S. N. Sirajuddin
, F. N. Yuliati
, S. Nurlaelah
, Ir. Saadah
, A. Abdullahi