Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
Array ( [session_started] => 1729884551 [LANGUAGE] => EN [LEPTON_SESSION] => 1 [PAGE_ID] => 107 )


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For Authors


The journal publishes scientific articles, reviews and short communications with original experimental data or new interpretations of existing results. They must comply with the requirements of this journal and have not been published and submitted elsewhere. Plagiarism is unacceptable for the journal. The use of foreign ideas and images in their original form is allowed only with their exact citation. All sent articles are checked for plagiarism and when there are huge parts of already published texts or data, the articles have been rejected. The journal does not accept manuscripts that are in whole or in part published in other publications. The manuscript, written in English, and the Authors’ Declaration Form should be submitted online.

Structuring of publication

Original articles should contain title, authors, abstract, key words, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgements (if there are any), and references.

The file containing the manuscript must be in MS Office Word format (.doc and .docx). The text should be in Times New Roman, size 12, aligned on both sides. The measuring units (cm, m, km, t, l , g, kg, s, h and others) should be denoted according to the SI system. Latin names of plant and animal species should be given in compliance with The International classification in Italic.

The text should be organized as follows:

TITLE: The title must be short and must identify correctly and exactly the content of manuscript. It must be written with Bold font with Font size 14, without any abbreviations.

The forename and surname of every author should be indicated under the title with lower case (font size 12).

The institution, where every author works, should be indicated under the forename and surname of author with font size 12. Figures in suffix should be used for reference to authors addresses.

Indicate the orcid ORCID ID of authors if they have such number.

The Corresponding author and his email should be indicated with star (*).

ABSTRACT AND KEY WORDS: The abstract reflects shortly and clearly the basic information and scientific impacts of the article with cited the main obtained results. The abstract shall not exceed 250 words. The keywords must be well-chosen and express concern of research. Shall not point more than 6 keywords.

INRODUCTION: Introduction must answer the following questions: What is known and what is new on the studied issue? What are the motives for research into the problem, described in the manuscript? What is at stake hypothesis and aim in manuscript?

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Shall be fully described the objects of exploration; the organization of conducted experiments, chemical analysis, statistic and other methods and terms, which shall be annexed for experiments.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Results of research must be present apart of debate or together in one paragraph. The presentation of results must be precisely, without repetitions and should include appraisal of significant differences and other parameters.

CONCLUSIONS: Present the most important consequences for the science and practice resulting from the conducted research. They should be summarized in few sentences.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (if there are any).

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: disclose the presence or absence of a conflict of interest.




Tables should be submitted on a separate sheet at the end of the text and must be cited in the text. They should be prepared in MS Word format  - doc and docx files (only when there is special need – in xls files). Tables are numbered in Arabic numerals according to their sequence in the text. Each column in the table must have heading and, when necessary, abbreviations should be explained in the legend.

Illustrations (maps, charts, graphs, drawings, photos, etc.) are to be referred to as ‘Figures’ and numbered in sequence. They should be as clear and free from text, presented as in format tif, png, xls, eps. Numeration and title of the figures are placed below the figure, with all necessary indications presented. It is recommended the figures to be in black and white. Provide figures and photographs with good dark and light contrast. Prepare drawings with dark, heavy lines as to be appropriate for printing.

All tables and illustrations must be cited in the text.



Abbreviations may be used for other expressions provided that, when first mentioned, they are defined in full, followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis and used consistently thereafter.



In the text, references should be cited as follows: single author (Morris, 1991); two authors (Barton and Moore, 1994); more than two authors (Levi et al., 1994). When several references are cited simultaneously, they should be ranked by chronological order e.g.: (Petrovic et al., 2011; 2015) and when their publications are in the same year – alphabetically. All published works referred to in the text must be listed in the reference list and vice versa.

Reference list is arranged alphabetically (by the surname of the first author) and chronologically. When citing several publications by the same author, his individual publications are given first, followed by publications in co-authorship (with one co-author, two co-authors, etc.). It is desirable to list the names of all authors.

Names of authors and journal titles in Cyrillic or alphabet different from Latin should be transliterated into Latin and article titles should be translated into English. The original language of articles and books translated into English is indicated in brackets after the bibliographic reference (in Bulgarian = Bg, in Russian = Ru, in Serbian = Sr, in Chinese – Ch, etc.).

ExampleValchev, I. (2015). Investigations of the effects of aflatoxin B1 on haematological parameters in mulard ducks. Zhivotnovadni nauki52(6), 23-33 (Bg).

In transliteration, letters are replaced as follow: А=A, Б=В, В=V, Г=G, Д=D, Е=Е, Ж=Zh, 3=Z, И=I, Й=Y, K=К, Л=L, М=М, Н=N, О=О, П=Р, Р=R, С=S, Т=Т, У=U, Ф=F, X=H, Ц=Тs, Ч=Сh, Ш=Sh, Щ=Sht, Ъ=А, Ь=Y, Ю=Yu, Я=Ya.

The journal follows APA citation style. Data in the reference list should be cited as follows:

  1. Journal articles

Author(s) surname and initials, given bold, year, title, journal title (in italic), volume, number, pages. Example:

Ladner, C., Brinkman, C. R., Weston, P. & Assali, N.S. (2016). Dynamics of uterine circulation in pregnant and nonpregnant sheep. American Journal of Physiology218(1), 257-263.

  1. Books

Author(s) surname and initials given bold, year, title, edition, name of publisher, place of publishing.

Kamburov, P., Vassilev, I., Georgieva, D., Kamenov, Y.& Koynarski, V. (1994). Veterinary Parasitology. Agropress, Sofia (Bg).

Warriss, P. D. (2000). Meat science: An introductory text. CAB-International: England, Wallingford.

  1. Book chapters or conference proceedings

Author(s) surname and initials, given bold, year, title. In: Title of the book or of the proceedings followed by the editor(s), name of publisher, place of publishing, volume, pages. Example:

Abril, J. R., Barclay, W. R. & Abril, P. G. (2000). Safe use of microalgae (DHA GOLD) in laying hen feed for the production of DHA-enriched eggs. In: Egg Nutrition and Biotechnology (Sim J. S., Nakai S., Guenter W., eds). CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 197-202.

  1. Abstracts of reports on scientific forums

De Veer, A., De Boer, I. & Kuipers, A. (2016). Developments, strategies and challenges for Netherlands’ dairy sector. In: Book of Abstracts of the 67st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 24-24.

  1. Dissertations and Phylosophy Doctor Theses

Hallberg, L. (2016). Betydelsen av inflammation och reninangiotensin-aldosteron-systemet vid ångest och depression. Doctoral dissertation, Lund University.

  1. Online publications

Ye, W. (2003). Application of near-infrared spectroscopy for determination of nutrient contents in manure. Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. Paper 1479.  http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/rtd/1479



Each manuscript undergoes an initial review, and if it is not written clearly and coherently or does not conform to the guidelines in the current "Requirements for Authors", it may be rejected without review. An author publishing in English, which is not their first language, is encouraged to use a dedicated language editor to review the manuscript before it is submitted to the journal's editorial office.

The received manuscript is subject to double blind review. Within 2 months of receiving the manuscript in the editorial office of the journal, the executive editor informs the corresponding author about the status of the manuscript. If corrections are needed, the manuscript approved after peer review is returned to the corresponding author. The author has 15 days to correct the manuscript and return it to the editorial office of the journal. After the expiration of this period, it is assumed that the author refuses to publish the manuscript. The time for corrections can be extended once after a written request has been submitted by the corresponding author to the editor-in-chief of the journal before the expiry of the 15-day period.

The editors are not responsible for inaccurate citations, including misquoting of website content and copyright infringement.

After publication of the manuscript, the owner of the exclusive rights to use the work is the Agricultural Academy.