Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Viability of canola seeds by the tetrazolium test
Soryana G. F. de Meloorcid, Raíssa Silva Pereiraorcid, Flávio Santana Onnisorcid, Nermy Ribeiro Valadaresorcid, Alcinei Mistico Azevedoorcid, Guilherme Vieira Pimentelorcid, Anderson Barbosa Evaristoorcid, Marcela Carlota Nery
Abstract: Canola (Brassica napus L. var. oleifera Moech) is one of the main oilseeds for edible and industrial purposes. For the evaluation of the physiological quality of a lot of seeds, the tetrazolium test has been considered as a promising alternative, due to the speed and efficiency in the characterization of viability. The present study aimed to adapt the methodology of the tetrazolium test to evaluate the quality of canola seeds. Alth B4 and Hyola 433 hybrids were used. The study involved the characterization of the initial profile of the lots by determining the moisture content, weight of a thousand seeds, first count, germination test, germination speed index, emergence, initial stand, emergency speed index. Pre-conditioning of the seeds was carried out, defining the soaking curve and the seeds placed to soak for periods of 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 22 hours, by the methods of hydration on paper and direct immersion in water and the adequacy of the tetrazoli m test methodology as a function of different concentrations (0.075%; 0.5% and 1.0%) and immersion periods of 2, 4 and 6 hours. The results indicated that the lowest concentrations and lowest imbibition periods present a higher percentage of viability for canola seeds. It was concluded that the tetrazolium test is efficient to evaluate the viability in canola seeds with pre-conditioning of the seeds in hydration in paper for 10 hours at 25 ºC, followed by the total removal of the tegument, in the tetrazolium solution of 0.075% per 2 hours at 30°C.
Keywords: Brassica napus L.; imbibition curve; physiological quality; pre-conditioning
Citation: Gonçalves Ferreira de Melo, S., Silva Pereira, R., Santana Onnis, F., Ribeiro Valadares, N., Mistico Azevedo, A., Vieira Pimentel, G., Barbosa Evaristo, A. & Carlota Nery, M. (2024). Viability of canola seeds by the tetrazolium test. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(5), 856–864
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Date published: 2024-10-24
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