Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Effect of Genotype x Environment Interaction on Grain Yield of Winter Wheat Varieties
D. Vicentijevic, N. Protic, R. Protic, R. Prodanovic, D. Delic, R. Djordjevic, G. Todorovic, M. Kopanja
Abstract: In the period from 2002 to 2005, grain yield of fifteen wheat varieties grown in Serbia was studied in seven locations. At a triennial cross section, the proportion of genotypic variance was 51.56 %, and genotypic variance x environment 26.34 %. The genotype “cip” had the highest grain yield in ZA, SO, SM, and CA environments, while the genotype “dra” had the highest grain yield in PA and KI environments. Other corner genotypes, such as ”zit”, ”tek”, ”viz” and ”min” did not have high grain yields in any tested environment. The average grain yield distribution in the examined environments was as follows: SO>SM>CA >ZA >PA > KG > KI
Keywords: environment; grain yield; variety; wheat
Date published: 2019-02-20
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