Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Determination of appropriate leaf positions to establish the diagnosis and recommendation integrated systems for plant pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) cultivated on acid sulfate soils
Nguyen Quoc Khuong, Thach Thanh Truyen, Chau So, Nguyen Duc Huy, Chau Hoang Trong, Le Thi My Thu, Le Thanh Quang, Ly Ngoc Thanh Xuan, Le Vinh Thucorcid
Abstract: Because, pineapple is an important crop in Vietnam, it is crucial to assess the nutrition status of the pineapple. Although the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) is a reliable approach, finding the right leaf position to diagnose is vital. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to determine suitable leaf positions for creating DRIS norms for macro- and micronutrients in pineapple leaf. Healthy pineapple leaves without pest or disease damages were sampled from 60 pineapple farms and analyzed for N, P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn, and Mn concentrations. The results revealed that the critical yield was 13.3 t ha-1 among the 60 farms, dividing into 23 farms as the high-yielding group (≥ 13.3 t ha-1) and 37 farms as the low-yielding group (< 13.3 t ha-1). The concentrations of mineral nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu and Zn) and pineapple fruit yields in the high-yielding group were greater than those in the low-yielding one. On the other hand, the Na, Fe, and Mn concentrations showed the opposite pattern. Selected leaf positions must possess significantly different nutrient ratios and have more than 14 nutrient ratio pairs between the two yield groups. Therefore, leaf positions from +15 to +19 were selected to create DRIS norms. Nine sets of DRIS norms have been created at leaf +1, +3, +7, +9, +16, +18, +21, +22, and +29 for plant pineapples.
Keywords: Acid sulfate soils; diagnosis and recommendation integrated system; mineral nutrition; plant pineapple
Citation: Khuong, N. Q., Truyen, Th. Th., So, Ch., Huy, N. D., Trong, Ch. H., Thu, Th. M., Quang, L. Th., Xuan, N. Th. & Thuc, L. V. (2025). Determination of appropriate leaf positions to establish the diagnosis and recommendation integrated systems for plant pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) cultivated on acid sulfate soils. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 31(1), 85–114.
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Date published: 2025-02-25
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