Wheat stalk growth promotion by a highly diluted fertilizer
Abraham O.R.-De la Fuente, Jose A. Heredia-Rojas
, Ricardo Gomez-Flores, Michaela N. Beltcheva
, Diego Alan Carlos-Ramos, Pedro A. N.-D. López, Omar Heredia-Rodríguez
Abstract: Alternatives to using fertilizers in modern agriculture have prompted research of new approaches such as ultra-diluted solutions. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of homeopathic plant fertilizer preparations, made via traditional stepwise dilution and succussion procedures, on wheat stalk growth. We used 10-7, 10-14, and 10-36 dilutions of a commercial fertilizer and Triticum durum Rafi C97 variety wheat grains, which were compared with the negative controls (a) pure bi-distilled water and (b) sham-treated pure bi-distilled water, following the stepwise dilution and succussion method, and a 2% commercial fertilizer solution as a positive control. Each treatment consisted of 120 grains, distributed across 10 disposable Petri dishes. Stalk length was measured by an electronic Vernier device and reported as total length in centimeters. Three independent experiments were conducted, each including all dilutions and controls. Statistical differences were determined by analysis of variance and using the Tukey test to establish individual differences. Results showed a significant (p < 0.05) increased on wheat stalk growth after treatment with diluted fertilizer solutions, as compared with negative controls. Positive control showed the highest stalk growth, but it was not statistically different from that of diluted fertilizer treatments. Our findings suggest that the highly diluted commercial fertilizer promoted wheat seedlings growth, highlighting potential benefits for sustainable agricultural practices. However, additional experiments analyzing this effect at different phases of plant development are necessary, and more endpoints need to be considered.
Keywords: fertilizers; homeopathy; sustainable agriculture; wheat growth
Citation: Rodríguez-De la Fuente, A. O., Heredia-Rojas, J. A., Gomez-Flores, R., Beltcheva, M. N., Carlos-Ramos, D. A., Noguera-Díaz López, P. A. & Heredia-Rodríguez, O. (2024). Wheat stalk growth promotion by a highly diluted fertilizer. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30 (Supplement 1), 59–62
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| Date published: 2024-12-13
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