Physical and mechanical characteristics of grain and seeds
Bozhidar Kolev, Miroslav Mihaylov

Abstract: When designing and manufacturing machines and installations for processing, transporting and storing grain and seeds, it is necessary to know some of their basic physical and mechanical characteristics. They are also necessary for the correct selection of the operating modes of the facilities in the grain warehouses.
In this paper, an engineering and technical classification of the mass-grown cereals, legumes and oilseed crops in Bulgaria is presented. For the most used varieties and hybrids, density of grains (seeds), hectoliter mass, angle of natural slope, and angle of friction on smooth materials are determined.
Keywords: angle of natural slope; density; dimensions; friction; grain; hectoliter mass; roughness; seeds; shape
Citation: Kolev, B. & Mihaylov, M. (2024). Physical and mechanical characteristics of grain and seeds. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(1), 96–100.
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| Date published: 2024-02-26
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