Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Market and non-market trade in land during the period of validity of the amended act on shaping the agricultural system in Poland
Bożena Karwat-Woźniak, Sylwia Łaba, Agnieszka Wrzochalska
Abstract: Agricultural land is, due to its characteristics, a specific resource whose importance goes beyond the function of an agricul¬tural production factor. Rational management of the potential is an essential element in shaping the competitiveness of agricul¬ture and securing food security. It is related to the flow of land to farms that offer opportunities for its optimal use. In the case of agricultural land, its economic allocation is modified by the state, which determines the rules for trading agricultural land. The aim of the article is to discuss changes in agricultural land trading in Poland, after the introduction of legal regulations in 2016 that significantly limit the freedom to change agricultural land ownership rights. Using the data of Statistics Poland, the Ministry of Justice and institutions entrusted by the legislator with the exercise of ownership rights and other rights in rem in relation to state property in agriculture and control functions in private trade, changes in agricultural land trade were analyzed. The scale of the transfer of ownership and use rights as well as prices and the amount of lease rate were analyzed.
Keywords: land price; lease rate; market and non-market turnover of agricultural land
Citation: Karwat-Woźniak, B., Laba, S. & Wrzochalska, A. (2023). Market and non-market trade in land during the period of validity of the amended act on shaping the agricultural system in Poland. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 29 (Supplement 1), 13–20.
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Date published: 2023-12-18
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