Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Rediscover of cities as vertical clusters for agricultural needs (objectives) and for specific care in a pandemic condition
Yanko Aleksandrov
Abstract: The subject of consideration is the architectural construction and technological features of the specialized clusters, intended for agricultural needs and for specific care, such as education, recreation and sports, medical care. In this way, the significant limitations in the human environment caused by a large scale pandemic (COVID-19), can be overcome in tall skyscraper buildings located in megacities. The COVID-19 pandemic rearranges human priorities in the big city. The supply of food and basic care occupy a central place in the life of every inhabitant. Author’s projects for skyscrapers are presented, which offer
various solutions for growing honey plants, bee families (Hong Kong, Mumbai), fruits, vegetables, algae and fish products (Toronto, Mumbai). The storage of cereals in appropriate silos (Hong Kong) is an important point in the supply of wheat, corn, barley, buckwheat and others needed for the planning modules for education and emergency medical care are also offered. Opportunities for hiking, cycling on a bicycle track (Toronto), cycling trails (Elevator annual 2014), running and others are also considered.
Keywords: agricultural needs (objectives); cities; conditions; new solution; pandemic; rediscovery; specific care; vertical clusters
Date published: 2023-08-21
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