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Mathematical model of the separation process of sunflower seeds in innovative air-sieve grain-cleaning machine
Igor Evgenievich Priporov
Abstract: To develop grain-cleaning machines with high technical and economic indicators, there is a need to solve the problem by optimizing a rational set of certain operations and parameters of grain-cleaning machines, which determine sequential or stagewise highly efficient cleaning circuits. They must ensure the fulfillment of the preset parameters while minimizing the total reduced costs for cleaning and obtaining seed and product material. Experimental studies, carried out by the author, to determine the movement speed of sunflower seed heap along the tray when it is delivered into the pneumatic channel of the final aspiration of an air-sieve grain-cleaning machine, for example, MVU-1500 type, made of fluoroplastic-4, makes it possible to increase pneumatic channel operation by 20%, compared to series-produced one (12%). The disadvantages of secondary cleaning machines are considered, as well as the device of the developed air-sieve grain-cleaning machine. To study the process of motion of sunflower seed heap along the tray, the factors, affecting the movement speed of sunflower seed heap, have been determined. To obtain the regression equation, the second order Box-Behnken design has been generated. The optimal movement speed of sunflower seed heap along the tray was 0.5439 m/s at angle of 42.090, which should be made of fluoroplastic-4 and 0.0968 m long. The proposed air- sieve grain-cleaning machine makes it possible to determine the seed material quality in real time through the use of innovative device, consisting of a multimedia device with a personal computer.
Keywords: air-sieve grain-cleaning machine; fluoroplastic-4; material movement speed; mathematical model; multimedia device; regression equation; separation process
Date published: 2022-03-14
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