[session_started] => 1739473611
Effect of threshing machines, rotational speed and grain moisture on corn shelling
Mousa A. Aljibouri, Manhil Abass Taher, Salih K. Alwan Al Sharifi
Abstract: The effect of threshing machines on corn, Cadiz cultivar, was studied based on some technical indicators. Two types of machines (Local Corn Sheller 1 – LCS-Irs1 and Local Corn Sheller 2 – LCS-Irs2) were tested under three revolution of threshing cylinder 200, 300 and 400 rpm and three ranges of grain moistures of 16%, 18% and 20%. The experiments were carried out in a factorial experiment under complete randomized design with three replications. The results showed that LCS-Irs1 machine was significantly better than LCS-Irs2 machine in all studied conditions. The results showed a sheller productivity of 1.159 and 1.118 t.h-1, power consumption of 11.142 and 11.913 kW, shelling efficiency of 81.753% and 80.953%, unshelled grains of 3.434 and 3.884%, loose grains at kernel outlet of 3.821 and 4.723%, grains damage of 1.994 and 2.225% and grain cleanliness of 89.694 and 89.170% for LCS-Irs1 and LCS-Irs2 machines, respectively. The rotational speed of 200 rpm was significantly superior to the other two levels of 300 and 400 rpm in all studied conditions, while the moisture content of grain at range of 16% was significantly superior to the other ranges of 18% and 20% in all studied conditions.
Keywords: corn; moisture content; rotational speed; shelling; threshing machines
Date published: 2019-03-29
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