Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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G. Gaifullin, S. Nukeshev, M. Amantayev
Abstract: Tillage operation is one of the most power consuming processes in agriculture. In order to minimize the power requirements for the tillage process, it is necessary to know the specific features of the soil-tillage tool interaction system. Hence, this research is aimed to the modelling of the two dimensional shearing tine functioning at different angles of inclination to the travel direction. In this paper the results of the modelling of the soil-two dimensional shearing tine interaction are presented. Experiments were carried out in the soil bin. As the model of the two dimensional shearing tine was used a flat rectangular shaped tool, which short edge was oriented perpendicular to the furrow bottom. The angle between the long edge of the tine and the travel direction ranged from 30º to 90º at an increment 5º. There were revealed three modes of the tine functioning, namely the fixed soil body formation, its moving out of the tine interface and steady soil sliding along the tine interface. Decrease in the soil body mass from 100% to 0% and draught resistance of the tine by 17% during the transition from third to the first mode of functioning were revealed.
Keywords: draught resistance; fi xed soil body; soil sliding; two dimensional shearing tine
Date published: 2017-10-18
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