New forms for the development of agricultural product silos farms produced in arcology skyscrapers
Yanko Aleksandrov
Abstract: Possibilities for growing, storing cereals and producing products from them to feed the inhabitants of the «arcological» non-scraper were considered. They have been reviewed the silos in tall buildings of this type of "arcological" skyscrapers, as a new opportunity for the development of silo farms. In this connection, various forms of a new type of silos are described: horizontal silos; prefabricated container silos; inclined silos in horseshoe-shaped hollow elements; multifunctional "floor" silos; floor» silos with a height of one, two or three floors or with the height of an entire building. Constructions of the refrigerator-type containers for fruits and vegetables are given. Ways of producing the aqua products are described.
Described/used under invention patents: BG№ 111440А and BG66716B1 - System for individual or combined use of rainwater and hot waste water on each floor of a skyscraper; BG№111651А and BG№66823В1- Movable refrigerating chamber for positive temperatures; BG№111658А and BG№66742В1 - System for solar heating of a cold room with positive temperatures.
Keywords: agricultural production; arcological skyscrapers; development; new forms; silage farms
Citation: Aleksandrov, Ya. (2025). New forms for the development of agricultural product silos farms produced in arcology skyscrapers. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 31(1), 225–234.
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| Date published: 2025-02-25
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