Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Effect of Indigenous probiotics supplementation in paddy straw silage and its effect on performance and blood lipids in Priangan ewe lambs
Diky Ramdaniorcid, Wendry Setiyadi Putranto, Eulis Tanti Marlina, Jois Harsa, Aghnya Aulia Hanifa, Gunawan J. Y. Manihuruk, Rina Agustina, Ririn Siti Rahmatillah
Abstract: Paddy straw can be an affordable alternative fiber source to feed sheep. Ensiling can preserve and improve the quality of paddy straw silage (PSS). A completely randomized experimental design was used to compare the effect of 3 different doses of indigenous probiotics inclusion at 0% (iProbiotic-0), 4% (iProbiotics-4) and 8% (iProbiotics-8) in PSS based diet on dry matter intake (DMI, g/head/day), average daily gain (ADG, g/head/day), total cholesterols (mg/dL), triglycerides (mg/dL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL, mg/dL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL, mg/dL) in the blood of Priangan ewe lambs during 70 days feeding trial using 6 replicates (n = 6). The results showed that Probiotics-8 treatment increased (P<0.05) total DMI, but it did not have any impact (P>0.05) on ADG, blood cholesterols, triglycerides, LDL, and HDL values of the lambs. Increased DMI of lambs consuming iProbiotic-treated PSS is a sign that indigenous probiotics inclusion during PSS preparation increases the palatability of PSS. The PSS can be an alternative and more affordable fiber source for sheep feeding in high rice producing countries.
Keywords: blood lipids; paddy straw silage; performance; Priangan sheep; probiotics
Citation: Ramdani, D., Putranto, W. S., Marlina, E. T., Harsa, J., Hanifa, A. A., Manihuruk, G. J. Y., Agustina, R. & Rahmatillah, R. S. (2025). Effect of Indigenous robiotics supplementation in paddy straw silage and its effect on performance and blood lipids in Priangan ewe lambs. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 31(1), 183–189.
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Date published: 2025-02-25
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