Effect of using fermented layer manure with rumen liquor or unfermented in diets on productive performance of broiler
Ali J. Hammod

, Ali A. Bisly

, Atheer Salih Mahdi

Abstract: In this experiment, 300 one-day-old, Ross 308 broiler chicks were housed in pens for 35 days from 09/10/2021 to 13/11/2021, with initial weight 40.5 g at the faculty of Agriculture University of Kufa. The experimental design was randomly distributed among 5 treatments, with 30 chicks per treatment. Each treatment included 3 replicates, and the replicates were randomly distributed among the pens, the area of each pens is 2*1.5 meters, as follows: T1: standard diet (control), T2: diet containing 5% unfermented layer manure, T3: diet containing 10% unfermented layer manure, T4: diet containing 5% layer manure fermented with ruminal liquor, T5: diet containing 10% layer manure fermented with ruminal liquor.
The results showed that the T4 had the best results in each of the final live body weights, the cumulative weight gain, the final feed conversion ratio and the economic figure. And there is no significant differences for all experimental treatments in each of the sensory characteristics (color, flavor, tenderness, general appearance), weight of the liver and spleen and the number of red blood cells.
Keywords: broiler; fermentation; layer manure; rumen liquor
Citation: Hammod, A. J., Bisly, A. A. & Mahdi, A. S. (2025). Effect of using fermented layer manure with rumen liquor or unfermented in diets on productive performance of broiler. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 31(1), 175–182.
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| Date published: 2025-02-25
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