Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Separate and combined effects of Super Absorbent Polymers (SAP), organic (Seaumic), and nano-fertilizers (Lithovit-Forte and nano-chelate Super Plus ZFM) on the performance of small and medium-sized saffron (Crocus oreocreticus) corms
W. Hourani, Z. El Sebaaly, Z. Allaw, V. Koutev, Y. N. Sassine
Abstract: Amelioration in saffron production and quality has been reported as a result of using organic fertilizers, nanofertilizers and Super Absorbent Polymers (SAP). The study investigated the separate and combined effects of various fertilizers (Seaumic, nano-chelate Super Plus ZFM++, Lithovit®-Forte) and SAP on the performance of small-sized (SS: 4-6 g) and medium-sized (MS: 6-8 g) saffron corms. Fertilizers applied with SAP hastened leaf emergence by 4.3-10.8 days for SS corms compared to their use without SAP, and flowering date by 11.8-20.6 days in SS corms and 16.3-22.8 days in MS corms, compared with control. Harvest was the earliest in MS/Seaumic and MS/Seaumic/SAP (20.8 and 20.0 DAP, respectively). Compared to control, leaf number of MS corms increased by 5.3 and 3.8 because of Lithovit®-Forte applied with and without SAP, respectively.
Seaumic and Lithovit®-Forte showed superior effect on leaf length than nano-chelate Super Plus ZFM, whether applied with or without SAP. Improvement in flower number per m2 reached 65.1% in MS/Seaumic/SAP compared to control. Without SAP, Seaumic and nano-chelate Super Plus ZFM improved dry stigma yield by 43.9 and 33.7% in SS-corms and 60 and 50.7% in MS-corms, respectively, and with SAP, they improved it by 71.4 and 72.3% in SS-corms and 90.4 and 79.6% in MS-corms, respectively. The highest fresh stigma yield, dry stigma yield, yield of daughter corms, and number of daughter corms were in MS/Seaumic/SAP (2.01 g/m2, 1.11 g/m2, 850 g/m2, and 73.5, respectively). The majority of treatments affected crocin and picrocrocin contents (higher than control), but not safranal. Saffron production can be optimized by applying Seaumic or Nano-chelate Super Plus ZFM with SAP.
Keywords: Crocus oreocreticus; nano and organic fertilizers; replacement corms; saffron derivatives; SAP; stigma yield
Citation: Hourani, W., El Sebaaly, Z., Allaw, Z., Koutev, V. & Sassine, Y. N. (2025). Separate and combined effects of Super Absorbent Polymers (SAP), organic (Seaumic), and nano-fertilizers (Lithovit®-Forte and nano-chelate Super Plus ZFM++) on the performance of small and medium-sized saffron (Crocus oreocreticus) corms. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 31(1), 139–149.
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Date published: 2025-02-25
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