Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Prospective plum cultivars suitable for processing from the local gene fund and selected in plum experimental station - Dryanovo
Petko Minkov, Boryana Stefanovaorcid, Silvena Todorova
Abstract: During the period 2019 – 2021, a study was made of the local plum cultivars and cultivars selected in an experimental station on plum Dryanovo, in order to demonstrate their valuable biological and economic qualities, such as high fertility, superior taste qualities, high content of dry matter and sugars and the different ripening periods of the fruits. Flowering phenology and ripening periods, biometric and biochemical properties of fruits, yield and technological suitability were analyzed. The described plum cultivars, due to their good taste qualities, similar to the Kyustendilska variety, are suitable for fresh consumption, drying in various types of dryers, processing into jam, marmalades and distillates. The results give us reason to recommend the local and selected cultivars for wider distribution and to include them in intensive and sustainable orchards.
Keywords: biometrics; local plum cultivars; phenology; pomology; technological suitability
Citation: Minkov, P. , Stefanova, B. & Todorova, S. (2025). Prospective plum cultivars suitable for processing from the local gene fund and selected in plum experimental station – Dryanovo. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 31(1), 133–138.
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Date published: 2025-02-25
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