Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Spatio-temporal research on the effect of pre-crops on winter wheat growth and productivity to the BBCH scale in soil-climatic conditions of the steppe zone of Ukraine
Vitalii Pichuraorcid, Larysa Potravkaorcid, Yevhenii Domaratskiyorcid, Nataliia Dudiakorcid, Yurii Yaremkoorcid
Abstract: Spatio-temporal processes of the pre-crop effect on winter wheat development and productivity in natural-climatic conditions of the Steppe zone were examined on the basis of the data of the decoded satellite imagery series of the spacecraft Sentinel 2 and calculations of NDVI values. The processes of winter wheat growth were studied in accordance with the unified BBCH scale. It was established that winter wheat plants on the plot with pea as a pre-crop grew 1.6 times more actively than on the plot with a grain crop (spring barley) as a pre-crop and 1.7 times more actively than on the plot with sunflower as a pre-crop. It accounts for an increase in winter wheat productivity – 1.43 and 1.56 times, respectively. Winter wheat productivity on the plot with pea as a pre-crop equaled 4.65 t/ha, on the plot with a grain crop (spring barley) as a pre-crop – 3.24 t/ha, on the plot with sunflower as a pre-crop – 2.98 t/ha. Mathematical models of forecasting winter wheat productivity depending on the pre-crop were created. The credibility of modelling was 99.9%.
Keywords: climate; forecasting; NDVI; pre-crop; productivity; winter wheat
Citation: Pichura, V., Potravka, L., Domaratskiy, Y., Dudiak, N. & Yaremko, Y. (2025). Spatio-temporal research on the effect of pre-crops on winter wheat growth and productivity to the BBCH scale in soil-climatic conditions of the steppe zone of Ukraine. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 31(1), 115–132.
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Date published: 2025-02-25
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