Comparison on soil properties of upper and lower part of potted strawberry
Febby Fitriyani

, Syariful Mubarak

, Rina Devnita

, Reginawanti Hindersah

, Masako Akutsu

Abstract: Cultivation of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) in potted soil depends on the depth of pots and fertility of the substrate. The objective of study was to compare the physical and chemical soil properties of potted strawberries with that of field soil (Inceptisol), and the soil properties between the upper and lower layers of different ages and cultivars of potted strawberries. The soil samples were taken from 50-cm potted strawberries including two-year-old Sagahonoka and Earlibrite strawberries, and six-month and one-month-old Mencir strawberries. The mean values of chemical and physical properties in both layers were compared using t-test a (p<0.05). The soil organic-C of all potted strawberries was similar to field soil but total-N, potential-K, C/N, and cation exchange capacity were higher than field soil. The soil in upper and lower parts contained medium organic-C, high total-N, low C/N, high potential P and K, CEC, and BS; but low in available-P. The upper layer of the potted soil of all strawberry cultivars and ages had higher available-P, potential-P, potential-K, and exchangeable K+ and Mg2+ than the lower layer. However, the pH, organic-C, total-N, CEC, BS, Ca2+, Na+, H+, and Al3+ in both layers were not different. Six-month- and one-month-old potted soil had higher C/N and available P than two-year-old potted soil. Generally, the bulk density, total porosity, and water content of both part of potted is similar. Higher bulk density and lower porosity were shown by six-month-old potted Mencir strawberries. Application of animal manure is suggested to increase SOC, C/N, and available P.
Keywords: Chemical properties; Field; Physical properties; Soil Nutrient
Citation: Fitriyani, F., Mubarok, S., Devnita, R., Hindersah, R. & Akutsu, M. (2025). Comparison on soil properties of upper and lower part of potted strawberry. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 31(1), 61–68.
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| Date published: 2025-02-25
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