Correlation and regression analysis of economic indicators after application of biofertilizers in forage grass production from birds-foot-trefoil
Katerina Churkova

, Boryana Churkova

Abstract: In a scientific research experiment conducted in the experimental field of the Research Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture-Troyan, the cost-effectiveness ratio was calculated using data of economic indicators, of the forage production from bird's-foot-trefoil, after fertilizing with the organic fertilizers, such as Lumbrex at doses of 150 ml/da and 200 ml/da and Lumbrical 150 ml/m2 and 200 ml/m2. The used methods of correlation and regression analysis made it possible to determine dependencies between economic indicators and to present regression equations. The results have proven that the fertilizing with Lumbrex at a dose of 150 ml/da as the most economically effective and profitable agro-ecological measure. The high positive correlation coefficients between dry matter yield and gross income (r=0.9999); cost price and production costs (r=0.9497); yield with gross profit (r=0.7449) proves the interconnection of fertilizing with the main economic indicators that affect yield. Graphical models based on the regression between gross income and yield (y=0.3346x + 1.6015) are presented.
Keywords: correlations; Economic efficiency; regressions; sown grassland
Citation: Churkova, K. & Churkova, B. (2025). Correlation and regression analysis of economic indicators after application of biofertilizers in forage grass production from bird’s-foot-trefoil. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 31(1), 28–32.
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| Date published: 2025-02-25
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