Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Agricultural land: Balancing ownership and leasing and its impact on the economic performance of agricultural farms
Vanya Georgievaorcid
Abstract: Agricultural land is a fundamental resource for agricultural activity and is essential to the economic success of agricultural farms. In this respect, the way this resource is managed - through ownership or renting - can have a significant impact on the efficiency and sustainability of farms. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the distribution of used land among Bulgarian agricultural farms, the choice between owning or renting agricultural land, and the relationship between the share of owned land and the economic sustainability of agricultural farms. The conclusions in the article are based on a review of literature, as well as an analysis of data from Eurostat, the Bulgarian National Statistical Institute and the Agricultural Accounting Information System of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Various methods are used for the analysis - comparative analysis, descriptive analysis, panel regression analysis with fixed effects, and multiple regression analysis. Data for the period from 2014 to 2020 are analysed for six categories of agricultural farms classified by economic size.
Keywords: agricultural land; Bulgaria; economic sustainability; ownership; rent
Citation: Georgiveva, V. (2025). Agricultural land: Balancing ownership and leasing and its impact on the economic performance of agricultural farms. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 31(1), 3–12.
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Date published: 2025-02-25
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