[session_started] => 1726745774
D. Stamenov, T. Hajnal-Jafari, M. Manojlovic, S. Duric
Abstract: Solonetz are dark alkaline soils which are mainly bare or coverd by grasses. These sodic soils are characterized by pore water regime, high sodium saturation that is harmful to plants, unfavorable chemical and physical condition which makes them unsuitable for agricultural uses. Productive capacity of solonetz soils are usually improved by different meliorative measures such are incorporation of gypsum, deep ploughing or planting of a sodium-resistant crop. Application of microbial inocula could be a possible solution for soil quality improvement. The microbiological properties of solonetz from Kumane region were investigated as well as the effectiveness of four isolates of Azotobacter sp. and two isolates of Bacillus sp. Bacteria were isolated from virgin solonetz soil which was not covered by plants and was not recultivated. Pure cultures of each isolate were obtained containing 1010 CFU/ml of Azotobacter sp. and 1012 CFU/ml of Bacillus sp., respectively. Soil samples were inoculated. The virgin solonetz soil without inoculation was the control treatment. Soil sampling was performed 30 days after inoculation. Microbiological analises included the determination of number and enzymatic activity of microorganisms. All six investigated bacteria strains stimulated the microbiological activity of solonetz. The total number of bacteria, number of fungi, actinomycetes, free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria and aminoheterotrophs were increased in relation to the control. Dehydrogenase activity was also higher after bacterial inoculation. This research highlighted the positive effect of Azotobacter sp. and Bacillus sp. application. Further research needs to be carried out in order to increase the benefits of microbial inoculation in semi controlled and field conditions.
Keywords: bacteria; inoculation; microbiological activity; solonetz
Date published: 2017-09-18
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