Assessment of the vertical spread of main fungal pathogens causing leaf spot
Spasimira Nedyalkova

, Petar Chavdarov

Abstract: During the period 2020-2021, we studied the occurrence and distribution of leaf spot fungal pathogens on durum wheat in Bulgaria. The study was conducted in three regions of the country, namely, Field Crop Institute - Chirpan, Sadovo and Tatarevo, on the vertical distribution of P. tritici-repentis and septoria leaf blotch (SLB) in two varieties of common wheat (Sadovo 1 and Andino) and two varieties of durum wheat (Helix and President). The vertical spread of foliar pathogens is of crucial importance, as the higher position the pathogens reach, the greater their negative impact on crop productivity is. In the conducted study, an assessment was made of the vertical spread of the most important foliar pathogens in the post-flowering period, comparing common and durum wheat varieties. The relative prevalence of foliar pathogens in individual cultivars varied by year and habitat. Differences in the vertical distribution of the studied foliar pathogens were probably due to the intensity of sporulation. The increasing frequency of occurrence of Ptr in the middle and upper levels compared to the causative agents of septoria can be explained by the ability of this species to form reproductive structures in a shorter period of time than Z. tritici and Pa. avenae f.sp. triticea, although they are also present in the lower levels. The frequency of occurrence varied depending on the leaf position (lower, middle, upper) and on the susceptibility of the variety from which the sample was taken. Pathogen P. tritici-repentis was spread in all investigated regions with an increasing frequency from the lower to the upper leaf positions.
Keywords: fungal pathogens; leaf spots; Pyrenophora tritici-repentis; Triticum durum; Triticuum aestivum
Citation: Nedyalkova, S. & Chavdarov, P. (2024). Assessment of the vertical spread of main fungal pathogens causing leaf spot. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(6), 1033–1039
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| Date published: 2024-12-16
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