Inheritance, heterosis and combinatorial ability in G. hirsutum L. G. barbadense L. interspecific crosses
Valentina Dimitrova

, Minka Koleva

Abstract: Five G. hirsutum and three G. barbadense (FR-B-201, FR-B-202 and FR-B-203) varietis were included in reciprocal crosses to study the inheritance, heterosis and combining ability of the parent forms for productivity/plant, number of bolls, boll weight, lint percentage and fiber lenght. It was found that the inheritance of productivity/plant was mainly with positive overdominance and independenly of crossing direction, with manifested heterosis from 5.2% to 36.1% and 7.2% to 32.7% respectively, in the crosses with G. hirsutum female parent and G. barbadense female parent. The inheritance of longer fiber of the G. barbadense species was incompletely dominant in some cases with positive overdominance. Genetic control was mainly non-additive for the studied traits, except for lint percentage, it was additive or non-additive depending on the direction of crossing. The variety Chirpan-539 (G. hirsutum) was idenfied as good general combiner for productivity and lint percentage, the varieties FR-B-102 and FR-B-103 (G. barbadense) were identified as good general combiners for fiber length.
Keywords: combining ability; cotton; genetic control; heterosis; interspecific hybridization
Citation: Dimitrova, V. & Koleva, M. (2024). Inheritance, heterosis and combinatorial ability in G. hirsutum L. × G. barbadense L. interspecific crosses. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(6), 1020–1032
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| Date published: 2024-12-16
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