Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Pichia fermentans B4-1 phytase with the potential for enhancing soil phosphorous bioavailability
Nadezhda Nankova, Maria Valkova, Emiliya Pisarevaorcid, Anna Tomovaorcid, Ventsislava Petrovaorcid
Abstract: A yeast strain Pichia fermentans B4-1, newly isolated from traditional fermented Bulgarian boza was chosen as a perspective producer of an extracellular phytase to degrade organic phytate and improve soil mineral conditions. The crude enzyme preparation could be applied at temperatures up to 50 °C and pH 5.0. It preserved 100 % of its activity after incubation at 45°C for 90 min. In addition to sodium phytate, the P. fermentans B4-1 phytase can hydrolyze a broad range of substrates, such as ATP, glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 1,6-biphosphate, and glycerol 2-phosphate. Partial inhibition of phytase activity was detected (59-73 % residual activity) in the presence of mono- and divalent cations like K+, Na+, Zn2+, Ca2+, Cu2+, and Mn2+ at 1 M concentration.
Keywords: phosphorus; phytase; PSM; soil fertility; yeast
Citation: Nankova, N., Valkova, M., Pisareva, E., Tomova, A. & Petrova, V. (2024). Pichia fermentans B4-1 phytase with the potential for enhancing soil phosphorous bioavailability. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30 (Supplement 1), 63–68
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Date published: 2024-12-13
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