Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Effect of varieties and growth stages at harvest on forage quality and nutritive values of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. ssp. westervoldicum)
Abdullah Ozkoseorcid, Ramazan Acarorcid, Fatma Inalorcid, Mustafa Selcuk Alatasorcid, Oguzhan Kahramanorcid, Abdullah Ozbilgin
Abstract: The effects of harvesting periods and cultivars on the nutritional values of forage crops are very important. In the present
study, the effects of harvesting periods and varieties on the nutritional values of Italian ryegrass were investigated. The trial was conducted in the Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications under the environmental conditions of Central Anatolia in the growing season of 2015. Seven Italian ryegrass varieties were harvested at two different harvest times in the study (earing and dough forming period) and feed values were determined. As a result of the study, the crude protein content of Italian ryegrass was found to be 9.4 – 21.0%, crude ash was 0.22% – 0.48%, crude fat 0.11% – 0.26%, ADF 30.45 – 36.26%, NDF 49.99% – 57.11%, ADL 7.72 – 10.11%, TDN 49.31% – 53.55%, ME 1.68 – 1.86 Mcal/kg, NEL 0.99 – 1.12 Mcal/kg, NEM 0.87 – 1.04 Mcal/kg, and NEG 0.31 – 0.48 Mcal/kg compared to the beginning of earing and dough formation period. According to the statistical analysis results, the differences between variety averages, growth period averages, and cutting averages were found to be significant in terms of the analyzed characteristics (crude protein, crude fat, crude ash, ADF, NDF, ADL, TDN, ME, NEL, NEM, and NEG). According to the results of the present study, it is recommended to cut at the beginning of the heading to obtain quality grass in Italian ryegrass farming. It is also very important to choose the appropriate Italian ryegrass variety for each region.
Keywords: Annual ryegrass; forage quality; growth stage; nutritive value; variety
Citation: Ozkose, A., Acar, R., Inal, F., Alatas, M. S., Kahraman, O. & Ozbilgin, A. (2024). Effect of varieties and growth stages at harvest on forage quality and nutritive values of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. ssp. westervoldicum). Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(5), 848–855
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Date published: 2024-10-24
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