Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Hibridologichen analysis of inhetitance of plant height and number of leaves in hybrid combination of Burley tobacco
Yovko Dyulgerskiorcid
Abstract: The way of inheritance, the manifestations of heterosis, transgression and depression, minimal number of genes by which parental forms differ, degree of dominance, manifestations of epistasis and coefficient of heritability and efficiency of selection with regard to plant height and number of leaves, on Burley tobacco samples are established. For the purpose are researched the population of P1, P2, F1 and F2 of seven hybrid combinations. The results show that in the height of plants and number of leaves inheritance is preferably overdominantly and always in the direction of the parent with the higher values of investigated parameters. With respect to the height of the plants was observed and incompletely dominantly, and when the number of leaves and an additive. Manifestations of heterosis and transgression are more pronounced in relation to the number of leaves and have significant values of economic importance, only by this indicator. Data from hybridological analysis showed that the minimal number of genes determining the expression of the trait plant height is greater than the number of leaves. Epistatic interactions are more strongly manifested in the determination of the trait height of plant, but only in the number of leaves negative ones are observed. The relatively low to medium values obtained in terms of the coefficient of heritability in the studied crosses Burley tobacco show that a low share of genotype influence on the manifestation of the studied trait is observed, which means that the selection for plant height will be more effective in the later hybrid generations. The established even lower values for the index number of leaves show the crucial importance of the influence of the environment on the determination of the trait and suggest an effective selection in even later hybrid generations, which makes the selection activity difficult. The study shows that, in general, the selection for the trait number of leaves is more complex and longer than that for the height of the plants.
Keywords: Burley tobacco; heterosis hereditability; hybridological analysis; inheritance; number of leaves; plant height
Citation: Dyulgerski, Yo. (2024). Hibridologichen analysis of inhetitance of plant height and number of leaves in hybrid combination of Burley tobacco. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(5), 828–832
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Date published: 2024-10-24
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