Microflora of Luvisols from the territory of Western Stara Planina Mountain
Bilyana Grigorova-Pesheva

Abstract: The aim of the present study is to provide basic information on the biogenicity of the studied soils, to track the change in the microbial populations of A and B horizons, as well as to determine the impact of environmental factors on the microbial abundance of forest soils in the light of ecological forest management. The present study examines six soil profiles in Western Stara Planina Mountain. Soils are defined as Luvisols. For determination of total microbial number and the amount of individual microbiological groups (spore-forming bacteria, non-spore-forming bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi) the standard method of serial dilutions and subsequent inoculation was used. The results are reported in Colony-forming unit (CFU). Standard laboratory analyzes were used to measure the physical and chemical parameters of the soil. A horizon has a greater microbial abundance (from 13.32 and 50.69 x 105 CFU g/ dry soil) than B horizon (1.81 to 6.24 69 x 105 CFU g/ dry soil). In relation to the A horizon, the most strongly influencing factor is the content of total nitrogen (r=0.76), followed by pH (0.72) and organic carbon content (0.55). According to the B horizon, these indicators show no correlation. In the A horizon, mechanical composition and density do not correlate with total microbial numbers. In the B horizon mechanical composition and soil density have an impact on biogenicity. With highly compacted soil (bulk density above 1.3 g/cm3), suppression of the soil microbiota is observed. There are no clear dynamics in the redistribution of the percentage participation of microbial groups at depth.
Keywords: forest ecosystems; Luvisols; soil; soil microorganism; total microbial number
Citation: Grigorova-Pesheva, B. (2024). Microflora of Luvisols from the territory of Western Stara Planina Mountain. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(5), 769–776
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| Date published: 2024-10-24
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