Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Choosing the optimal elements of corn cultivation technology in the conditions of Ukraine
Olha Andriienkoorcid, Kateryna Vasylkovskaorcid, Andrii Andriienkoorcid, Oleksii Vasylkovskyiorcid
Abstract: The research conducted in the north Steppe of Ukraine throughout 2020–2022 studied such elements of corn growing technique as the basic tillage method and mineral fertilization for corn hybrids of different ripeness groups. It was found that the highest yield among all hybrids under experiment was achieved as a result of using turning plowing method. The LG 31377 hybrid showed itself as the most productive with the result of 8.91 t/hа. Change from turning plowing to subsoiling led to insignificant yield reduction, which constituted 1.7% and 1.9% for middle-early LG 31272 and Adevey hybrids and to minor but essential 3.5% for middle-ripe LG 31330 and LG 31377 hybrids. Growing corn after shallow tillage caused yield losses of 15.5–24.0%. While studying the impact of fertilizers on corn hybrid productivity, it was concluded, that the lowest yield was harvested on plots with no mineral fertilization. Within the range of hybrids under research, in case of no fertilizers used, the lowest productivity 7.33 t/hа was registered for the LG 31377 hybrid, while the highest yield of 7.48 t/hа was formed by the LG 31272. The application of mineral fertilizers in the amount of N30P30K30 contributed to the yield growth by 10.1–17.2% among the hybrids under research, which constituted 0.76 t/hа for the LG 31272, 1.04 t/hа for the Adevey, 1.08 t/hа for the LG 31330 and 1.26 t/hа for the LG 31377 hybrid. The increase of mineral fertilizers amount to N60P60K60 resulted in further yield growth of 0.6–2.2% only. In case of application of N30P30K30 and N60P60K60 the LG 31377 had the highest yield among other hybrids – 8.59 and 8.78 t/ha.
Keywords: corn; leaf surface area; mineral fertilization; productivity; tillage
Citation: Andriienko, O., Vasylkovska, K., Andriienko, A. & Vasylkovskyi, O. (2024). Choosing the optimal elements of corn cultivation technology in the conditions of Ukraine. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(4), 702–711
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Date published: 2024-08-27
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