Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Planted area, productivity and sugarcane production in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon
Luiz Antonio S. Cardosoorcid, Paulo Roberto S. Fariasorcid, João Almiro Corrêa Soaresorcid, Fabio Júnior de Oliveiraorcid
Abstract: This work aimed to carry out an analysis to measure the importance of sugarcane culture for the Brazilian Eastern Amazon, which comprises the States of Amapá, Mato Grosso, Pará, Tocantins and part of the State of Maranhão. For this, data on Planted Area, Productivity and Production, provided by the National Supply Company (CONAB), referring to the 2012/2013 to 2021/2022 harvests in the states of the region in question were used. Data were normalized and submitted to correlation and regression analysis between the considered variables (planted area, productivity and production), to better understand how these variables behaved and related to each other in these last 10 sugarcane harvests in the region. As a result, it was noticed that the data had a normal distribution, with some strong and moderate correlations, whether positive or positive, which coincided with the results also obtained in the regression tests. However, the identified correlations and regressions occur differently in each State, with emphasis on the State of Pará, which presented strong positive correlations for all tests carried out (planted area, productivity and production), as well as regressions considered significant. The evaluations carried out demonstrated the quality of the data used and provided greater robustness in the analysis of the variables considered, allowing a better understanding of the importance of sugarcane for the Eastern Amazon.
Keywords: correlation and regression between variables; data normality; Saccharum spp.; Statistical analysis
Citation: Soares Cardoso, L. A., Silva Farias, P. R., Corrêa Soares, J. A. & de Oliveira, F. J. (2024). Planted area, productivity and sugarcane production in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(4), 686–701
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Date published: 2024-08-27
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