Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Effect of temperature and storage period on the chemical composition of chicken and Guinea fowls eggs
Matina Nikolova, Dimo Penkovorcid, Rumyana Dimitrova Ivanova
Abstract: The aim of the study is to monitor the changes in the main indicators of the chemical composition of Guinea fowl eggs at 2 storage temperature regimes (0-4°С and 15°С) after 3 storage periods (1, 30, and 90 days), compared to chicken eggs.
In both temperature regimes, the storage period has a significant effect on the reduction of water content, both in the egg white and in the yolk. The water content decrease in chicken eggs is more significant, compared to those of Guinea fowl, especially at 90 days of storage.
Regarding the protein content in dry matter of egg white, the following changes were observed: At 0-4oC: chicken – from 89.10 (first day) to 90.65% (90 day); Guinea fowls - from 89.10 (first day) to 90.49% (90th day); temperature 15oC: chicken – from 89.10 (first day) to 90.36% (90th day); Guinea fowls - from 90.65 (first day) to 90.36% (90th day).
Regarding the content of protein in the dry matter of the yolk, the following changes were observed (1-90 days): 0-4oC- chicken – 29.11-31.11%; Guinea fowls - from 30.58-31.93%;15oC: chicken – 29.11-31.83%; Guinea fowls - 30.58-32.15%.
Changes in the fat content in egg white dry matter (1-90 days): temperature 0-4oC: chicken - 0.89-0.81%; Guinea fowls - 0.76-0.73%; 15oC: chicken – 0.89-0.73%; Guinea fowls - 0.76-0.64%.
Fat content in the dry substance of the yolk (1-90 days): temperature 0-4oC: chicken – 68.47-61.65%; Guinea fowls - 63.35-60.83%; temperature 15oC: chicken – 68.47-60.65%; Guinea fowls - 63.35-60.55%. In both white and yolk, the reduction in Guinea fowl’s eggs is significant lower.
The observed results are due to the specificity of the shell of Guinea fowl eggs.
Keywords: chemical composition; days of storage; Guinea fowl; hens; stock eggs; temperature
Citation: Nikolova, M., Penkov, D. & Ivanova, R. D. (2024). Effect of temperature and storage period on the chemical composition of chicken and Guinea fowl’s eggs. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(4), 666–670
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Date published: 2024-08-27
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