The effects on Awassi lambs body weight and carcass characters sheared at different times
Khalid. H. Sultan

, Muthanna. A. Al-Taeb

Abstract: In order to estimate the effect of lamb’s wool shearing in the end of spring and in beginning of summer seasons on the productive and carcass traits of fattening lambs. The study was conducted on 24 Awassi lambs with an average weight of 32.34 ±0.05 Kg and aged 6–8 months. Lambs were randomly divided into 3 groups (8 lambs/group). The 1st group lambs were not sheared (control), the 2nd group lambs were sheared at the end of spring (15/6/2022), the 3rd group lambs were sheared at the beginning of summer (15/10/2022), and the study lasted four months. Lambs were reared on a ration consisting of barley, wheat bran, wheat straw, and soybean meal at a rate of 1 kg / lamb / day. Statistical analysis of the data revealed a significant superiority in body weight in 3rd group lambs in all study months, total weight gain, and relative growth mean in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd study months of the study as compared with other treatments at P≤0.05. Also, results of the third group showed a significant increase in carcass weight, empty dressing percentage, full dressing percentage, wide tail weight. The results related to the physical dissection of three ribs revealed a significant increase in the weight of the three ribs, lean weight, and rib eye area as compared with other treatments. On the other hand, 3rd group results revealed a significant decrease in fat thickness and empty digestive cannel weight. In conclusion, shearing lambs may reduce heat stress, which was reflected in improved productive performance and carcass characteristics of Awassi lambs.
Keywords: Awassi sheep; carcass traits; productively; shearing
Citation: Sultan, K. H. & Al-Taeb, M. A. (2024). The effects on Awassi lambs body weight and carcass characters sheared at different times. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(4), 655–659
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| Date published: 2024-08-27
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