Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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The sustainability analysis of Allium cepa conventional farming using multi-dimensional scaling in Jeneponto, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Andi Suardaorcid, Apiaty Kamaluddin, Astati, Anas Quriawan
Abstract: The aims of this study were: to analyze the sustainability of shallot farming in Jeneponto and to analyze the sensitivity attributes of shallot farming sustainability in Jeneponto. Shallot farming sustainability analysis was performed using the Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) approach. Based on analysis results, the overall sustainability status of onion farming in Jeneponto is fairly sustainable (54.68%) accumulated from the fairly sustainable score (64.31%, 52.96%, 55.18%) in social, economy, and technology dimensions respectively while on the contrary, less sustainable score (46.26%) was observed from the institution dimension. The results of the study suggested that the leverage attributes which is sensitive to shallot farming sustainability encompass: 1) labor availability; 2) farmer-to-farmer interaction; 3) industrial availability; 4) use of superior variety; 5) use of agricultural machinery; 6) organic fertilization; and 7) post-harvest processing. These leverage attributes must be prioritized by the stakeholders through the planning and implementation of appropriate policies to maintain shallot farming sustainability in Jeneponto.
Keywords: allium cepa; multi-dimensional scaling; sustainability
Citation: Suarda, A., Kamaluddin, A., Astati & Quriawan, A. (2024). The sustainability analysis of Allium cepa conventional farming using multi-dimensional scaling in Jeneponto, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(4), 608–614
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Date published: 2024-08-27
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