Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Evaluation of Achillea millefolium L. for the photoprotection potential by UV spectrophotometric methods
Mimoza B.-Ukimeraj, Ilirjana Osmani, Arben Haziri, Fatmir Faiku, Majlinda Daci, Aurel Nuro, Sevdije Govori, Hamide Ibrahimi, Miranda Misini, Blerta Qerimi
Abstract: In recent years, the requirements for the use of herbal products and formulations against the solar radiation have increased, trying to avoid the excesive use of chemicals considered harmful to human health. The aim of this study was to determine the value of the sun protection factor (SPF) from the plant extracts of Achillea millefolium L. using solvents of different polarity such as ethanol, ethyl acetate and hexane. Determination of the SPF value of plant extracts was carried out by UV-Vis spectrophotometer measurements in the region of ultraviolet radiation, in the range of wavelengths 290-320 nm. From the obtained results it has been observed that all the extracts show protective ability against ultraviolet radiation. The highest SPF value of 35.5 was obtained from A. millefolium L. extracts with ethyl acetate extracted by Soxhlet extraction. While A. millefolium L. extracts with hexane, extracted with cold extraction, showed the lowest SPF value of 8.06. From the results achieved, we have estimated that the plant A. millefolium L. has high photoprotective potential and as such its extracts can be used in sunscreen formulations. The spectrophotometric method used is fast, simple and cost-effective for the in vitro determination of SPF values.
Keywords: Achillea millefolium L.; sun protection factor (SPF); UV-VIS spectrophotometry
Citation: Berbatovci-Ukimeraj, M., Osmani, I., Haziri, A., Faiku, F., Daci, M., Nuro, A., Govori, A., Ibrahimi, H., Misini, M. & Qerimi, B. (2024). Evaluation of Achillea millefolium L. for the photoprotection potential by UV spectrophotometric methods. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(4), 599–602
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Date published: 2024-08-27
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