Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Sources of metals, metalloids and non-metals in surface horizons of soils near Aurubis-Pirdop copper smelter in Bulgaria
Irena Atanassova, Maya Benkova, Lyuba Nenova, Tsetska Simeonova, Milena Harizanova
Abstract: A study was conducted to assess the sources of metals and other elements considered as pollutants and their relationship with general characteristics of the soils in the area of Aurubis-Pirdop copper smelter and refinery. In the early spring of 2023, soil samples were taken from the surface horizon (0-20 cm) of Alluvial-deluvial soils (Fluvisols) and Cinnamon Forest soils (Chromic Luvisols). The studied soils possess light texture, low content of clay 5.7-14.7% and vary in organic carbon (OC) from 0.5-2.9%. We observed exceeding of the maximum permissible lеvels (MPL) for the metals Cu, Pb and the metalloid As, and elevated contents for Mn, B and Se. Several groups of elements were distinguished on the basis of principal component and cluster analysis (PCA and CA). The metals Cu, Mg, Mo, Pb, Zn, Hg and the elements As, Se and Na were of anthropogenic origin and had elevated concentrations in the surface soils, especially Cu, Pb and As. The group of elements Al, Ba, Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, together with the % clay were of litho-pedogenic origin and revealed their belonging to the crystal lattice of the secondary soil minerals. The third, fourth and the fifth groups included B, Li, Mg, Ni, Mn and Na, mainly elements present as accessory components in soil minerals which have both anthropogenic and/or litho-pedogenic origin.
Keywords: metalloids; metals; non-metals; smelter; sources
Citation: Atanassova, I., Benkova, M., Nenova, L., Simeonova, Ts. & Harizanova, M. (2024). Sources of metals, metalloids and non-metals in surface horizons of soils near Aurubis-Pirdop copper smelter in Bulgaria. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(4), 561–567
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Date published: 2024-08-27
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