The potential nutritional value of root dry mass from sugar beet, fodder beet and table beet
Stanimir Enchev
, Tatyana Bozhanska
Abstract: The experiment was carried out at the Agricultural Institute, Shumen (Bulgaria) in 2018, with the aim to determine the potential nutritional value of the root dry mass of sugar, fodder and table beets with selection value.
Sugar beet root mass was found to have the highest values of gross and metabolizable energy, as well as milk and feed units for growth compared to table and fodder beets. The values of the indicators on the first date of harvesting exceed the total group of beet types (All Grps), respectively, by 0.2% (for GE), 7.1% (for ME), 9.1% (for Feed units for milk) and 12.1% (for Feed units for growth), and on the second collection date (October 23rd), respectively, by 1.4% (for BE), 9.0% (for ME), 10.4% (for FUM) and 13.8% (for FUG). For the period of the experiment, the difference in the values of the signs is unproven.
The amount of gross energy (55.89%), metabolizable energy (96.98%), as well as the number of feed units for milk (97.31%) and growth (97.59%) were influenced to the highest degree by the type of beet.
Correlation and regression relationships between some indicators characterizing the composition and nutritional value of the root dry mass have been derived, to be used for practical purposes.
Keywords: feed units for growth; feed units for milk; fodder beet; gross energy; metabolizable energy; sugar beet; table beet
Citation: Enchev, S. & Bozhanska, T. (2024). The potential nutritional value of root dry mass from sugar beet, fodder beet and table beet. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 30(2), 356–362
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| Date published: 2024-04-26
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