Influence of the addition of milk thistle extract (Silybum marianum Gaertn) in compound feeds for fattening pigs on the biochemical indexes of blood and gain
Radena Nenova

, Stanimir Enchev, Veselin Ivanov
Abstract: A scientific experiment for assessing the effect of added milk thistle extract (Silybum marianum Gaertn) on some biochemical parameters in the blood of fattening pigs with average live weight 39.813 kg – 39.827 kg was carried out. The animals are divided into two groups, each with fifteen pigs. The feeding of the experimental groups was done with feed with an equalized component composition, to the ration of the second group (experimental) a milk thistle extract was added in a dose of 10 g/day per animal. The additive in the combined feed of pigs during the first fattening subperiod has a positive effect on the health of the animals, expressed by changes in some basic biochemical parameters of the blood, good weight development and feed utilization.
The inclusion of 10 g/day per animal of milk thistle extract in the compound feed of fattening pigs significantly (p≤0.05) increased the average daily gain.
Keywords: biochemical blood indicators; milk thistle extract; pigs
Citation: Nenova, R., Enchev, S. & Ivanov, V. (2024). Influence of the addition of milk thistle extract (Silybum marianum Gaertn) in compound feeds for fattening pigs on the biochemical indexes of blood and gain. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(1), 115–119.
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| Date published: 2024-02-26
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