Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Attitude of consumers towards the possibility of avoiding the culling of male layer-type chickens: a survey on the acceptability of the derived meat products
Evgeni Petkovorcid, Krasimir Dimovorcid, Teodora Popovaorcid, Maya Ignatovaorcid
Abstract: A pilot study as a survey about the attitude of the participants towards the widespread practice of culling male layer-type chickens was carried out. An alternative solution to the problem has been proposed by raising these birds for meat. The layer cockerels of Lohmann Brown Classic were reared in the Institute of Animal Science-Kostinbrod, Bulgaria, and slaughtered at the age of 5 and 9 weeks. Two products "Little Cockerel" (200 g) and "Big Cockerel" (900 g) were prepared from the 5 and 9 week old chickens, respectively. The opinion of the respondents was in favor of the product with the higher weight. It was further cooked and sensory evaluation was done. The volume of the production that the respondents would buy at different price ranges was determined. According to the results of the case described, we can conclude that the “Big Cockerel” test product corresponded to a greater extent to the preferences of the participants in the survey for an innovative poultry meat product. It demonstrated potential for successful market realization with maximum utilization of the product manufactured in the country.
Keywords: consumers; culling; male layer-type chickens; meat; survey
Citation: Petkov, E., Dimov, K., Popova, T. & Ignatova, M. (2024). Attitude of consumers towards the possibility of avoiding the culling of male layer-type chickens: a survey on the acceptability of the derived meat products. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(1), 101–106.
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Date published: 2024-02-26
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