Productive possibilities of new lines of Burley Tobacco
Yovko Dyulgerski

Abstract: The economic indicators of 8 samples Burley tobacco for yield and percentage of classes are assessed. The results of the study showed a strong influence of the factor "meteorological conditions during the year of testing" on tobacco yield. The influence of this factor on the percentage of tobacco classes is weaker, but also considerable. Average for the period of study Line 1533 gives the highest yield per decare and secondly narrowly ranks Line 1484. The lowest yield during the period of study has presented the standard Pliska 2002 variety. Average for the period of study highest percentage of first class is obtained from Line 1484, which excels with very minimal margin Line 1533. The standard Pliska 2002 variety is given the lowest percentage of first class from all the studied variants and same time the highest percentage of third class. With the stable economic performance in different years of study are presented Line 1533 and Line 1484. These two lines can be defined as high-yielding and comparative high-quality. All new selection lines strongly outperform the testimony of the standard Pliska 2002 variety, both in terms of yield and in terms of percentage of classes, which is a success for selection work. Line 1535, Line 1531 and Line 1485, also outperform Burley 1317 variety and are with relatively close to each other economic results. Line 1533 and Line 1484 are formed as variants with the highest economic and breeding value and deserve to be presented in EAVTFISC (Executive Agency for Seed Testing, Approbation and Seed Inspection) for recognition, as new varieties Burley tobacco.
Keywords: Burley tobacco; economical indicators; nеw lines; yield and percentage of classes
Citation: Dyulgerski, Yo. (2024). Productive possibilities of new lines of Burley Tobacco. Bulg. J. Agri. Sci., 30(1), 75–80.
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| Date published: 2024-02-26
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