Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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The assessment of the development of grain production in ensuring food security in Azerbaijan
Ramina Mustafayevaorcid, Yegana Abbasovaorcid, Ruhiyya Qambarovaorcid, Zenfira Bayramovaorcid
Abstract: Grain products are in the main place in ensuring food safety. The paper focuses on trends in the development of grain production in Azerbaijan. The analysis of food security, which is included in the list of global problems, taking into account the difficulties caused by the economic crisis, internal and external factors in the modern period, is quite relevant at the national level. The assessment of the availability of grain and grain products, which form the basis of food security, is the main resource of our research. An assessment of the availability of grain shows that the volume of its production is not enough to meet our domestic needs. Comparative analysis of new data on grain production, use and quality in Azerbaijan and determination of the most pressing tasks for solving the grain problem in accordance with world experience is very important. To this end, the article comprehensively analyzed the current state of grain production by analyzing the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of grain production, identified and characterized the factors affecting grain production. In terms of ensuring food safety, the level of self-sufficiency with grain products was assessed.
As a result, we tried to determine the perspective directions of the development of grain production in order to obtain a general result and ensure food security by examining the main reasons that slow down the development of grain production.
Research method. During the research – observation, comparison, statistical analysis, grouping, constructive calculation methods were used.
Keywords: food security; grain market; grain production; high-quality grain; level of self-sufficiency; productivity
Citation: Mustafayeva, R., Abbasova, Y., Qambarova, R. & Bayramova, Z. (2024). The assessment of the development of grain production in ensuring food security in Azerbaijan. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(1), 3–10.
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Date published: 2024-02-26
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