Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Food production in the context of national food security: trends and opportunities
Darina Ruscheva
Abstract: The relationship “food security-food resources” is expressed in the fact that the food security of any country, including Bul¬garia, largely depends on what food resources a given country has at its disposal, and hence what the possibilities are for satisfying the national food needs. The production of food raw materials and products is a major core of domestic food resources. And in this role, it is directly related to national food security. The report focuses on the production of basic food products in Bulgaria, which are important for agriculture and the food industry, as well as for their consumption by the country’s population. Conditions and factors for its development, trends in its quantitative dimensions, problems and opportunities to provide the country with food are consistently highlighted.
Keywords: agriculture; food industry; food products; food security; production
Citation: Ruscheva, D. (2023). Food production in the context of national food security: trends and opportunities. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 29 (Supplement 1), 152–158.
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Date published: 2023-12-18
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