Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Food waste in the context of Polands food security: identifying research path dependency through bibliometric research
Sylwia Łaba, Igor Olech
Abstract: Food waste is often mentioned in the context of food security. Meanwhile, the research on the subject of food waste mainly focuses on the ex-post management of the food waste (i.e. the waste that is, mainly through channelling food waste as a bioenergy source), rather than on the ex-ante management (i.e. limiting the amount of food waste to-be). Thus, food waste research trends towards energy security, rather than food security. The goal of our research was to identify whether it is a similar case for the Polish research on the topic. We have applied the method of bibliometric analysis using the software RStudio and VOSviewer to identify potential keyword overlap and to identify the common points between food waste and food security in Polish publications.
Keywords: bibliometric analysis; food security; food waste; keyword co-occurrence; path dependency; Poland
Citation: Laba, S. & Olech, I. (2023). Food waste in the context of Poland’s food security: identifying research path dependency through bibliometric research. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 29 (Supplement 1), 140–146.
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Date published: 2023-12-18
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