Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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The governance structure of agricultural land contracts discrete structural alternatives
Minko Georgiev, Teodora Stoeva, Violeta Dirimanova
Abstract: In this article, Discrete Structural Analysis (DSA) of the contracts gravitating around the agricultural lands in Bulgaria are made. In practice, this means looking at both market and non-market frameworks of exchange or protection of agricultural land ownership rights. To do this, a methodology from economics, law, and organization is used. Temporal historical methods are combined to review legal norms and economic institutions, their interactions, and what impact they define in different contractual frameworks. Contracts presented as Governance Structure (GS) – a set of fragments related to institutional actors, their behavior as a set of transactions; institutional effects – Transaction Costs (TrCs). What happens in the contracts related to agricultural lands should serve to improve the conditions in which the actor functions, which is always related to establishing the “mistakes” of the system, illuminating a trajectory that would improve their adaptation.
Keywords: Agricultural Land; Contracts; Discrete Structural Analysis; Governance structure
Citation: Georgiev, M., Stoeva, T. & Dirimanova, V. (2023). The governance structure of agricultural land contracts – discrete structural alternatives. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 29 (Supplement 1), 71–83.
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Date published: 2023-12-18
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