Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Irrigation rate and fertilization as factors determining yield in tomatoes mid-early outdoor production
E. V. Dimitrov, Iv. Mitova, V. Branicheva
Abstract: In the period 2018–2020, an experiment was carried out with tomato variety “Nikolina F1” on leached cinnamon forest soil. The influence of increasing irrigation and fertilizer rates delivered by fertigation on tomato yields was studied. The experiment contained 8 variants at two irrigation rates (1–4 variants – 100% MMC; 5–8 variants – 50% MMC) and increasing levels of fertigation (T1 and T5 – without fertilization; T2 and T6 – N15P8K15; T3 and T7 – N20P12K20; T4 and T8 – N25P16K25). The results show that the formed yields of tomatoes during the studied years are the result of the influence of climatic factors, applied fertilization and irrigation rates. The average yields of tomatoes from the three experimental years range between 2864.0 and 5601.3 kg.da-1 with an average yield of 4363.96 kg.da-1. With average yields for the three experimental years of 2145.3 kg.da-1 for 2018; 5513.63 kg.da-1 for 2019 and 5430.5 kg.da-1 for 2020, as the plants of variant T3 fertilizes with N20P12K20 and full irrigation rate – 100% MMC realized the highest yields, in 2018 with 23.1 %, in 2019 with 37.2% and in 2020 with 21.6% higher than the average yields for the respective years. The three-factor statistical analysis of the average yield data shows that the influence of the year is the strongest – 67.77% of the formed yields are dependent on the experimental year. The degree of influence of the applied fertigation is 19.5%, of the irrigation rate – 1.3%, of fertigation and the year is 7.48%, and the joint influence of fertilization and the irrigation rate is less than 1%.
Keywords: fertilizing; field production; soil moisture; tomatoes; yields
Citation: Dimitrov, E. V., Mitova, I. & Branicheva, V. (2023). Irrigation rate and fertilization as factors determining yield in tomatoes – mid-early outdoor production. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 29(6), 1015–1021.
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Date published: 2023-12-20
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