Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Net energy and protein utilization along the feеd with different protein sources meat chain in fattening female hybrid Turkeis during the grower and finisher periods
Mitko Lalev, Dimo Penkov, Pavlina Hristakieva, Nadia Mincheva, Magdalena Oblakova, Ivelina Ivanova
Abstract: The aim of the study was to establish the net utilization of energy and protein in the chain “feed – meat without bones and skin” in the fattening of female turkeys between 56 and 130 days of age. Fattening is four-phase. Three groups were formed – control, in which the main source of protein is soybean meal, BSFd group, in which during all phases, part of soybean meal was replaced with defatted flour from black fly larvae and SW – group in which the replacement is with 10% whole fat meal flour from B. mori L. larvae. The feeds were isoenergetic and isoprotein in phases. Specific indices of calculation were used – Clarc of Energy Distribution (CED) and Clarc of Protein Transformation (CPT), reflecting mathematical the transformations of energy and protein along the „feed-edible animal products“ chain. The following net utilizations of the metabolizable energy in the feed to the accumulated gross energy in the breast + thigh muscles (CED) have been established: Control – 0.0822 (8.22%); BSFd group – 0.0773 (7.73%); SW group – 0.0819 (8.19%). For protein (CPT) the results are as follows: Control – 0.1880 (18.80%); BSFd group – 0.1742 (17.42%); SW group –
0.1961 (19.61%).
Keywords: black soldier fly meal (BSFd); Clarc of energy distribution; Clarc of protein transformation; female turkeys fattening; silkworm pupae meal (SW)
Date published: 2023-08-21
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