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Analysis and evaluation of the quality of fodder from perennial fodder crops in mountain conditions
Tatyana Bozhanska
Abstract: The nutritional value of fodder from perennial grass crops was assessed on the basis of chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of the dry matter. The fodder mass of Bromus inermis Leyss. has the best quality parameters. The content of CP exceeds the average value of the indicator by 17.7%. Biomass has the lowest concentration of ADL (34.46 g kg-1) and the highest IVDMD (695.85 g kg-1). Fodder, obtained from Lolium perenne L., has the highest nutritional value and digestible dry matter. The excess in the average values of the indicators is from 7.2% to 20.8% and from 1.6% to 5.5%, respectively. The
species registered the lowest content of NDF (569.46 g kg-1), ADF (317.86 g kg-1) and cellulose (251.70 g kg-1). The grass stands of Lolium perenne L. and Festuca arundinaceae Scherb have the highest potential nutritional value (FUM – 0.76 in kg DM and FUG – 0.70 in kg DM). Changes in fodders quality characteristics are insignificant in terms of potential dry matter intake. The average values of the indicator vary from 1.84% (Dactylis glomerata L.) to 2.12% (Lolium perenne L.). The biomass of Dactylis glomerata L. has the lowest relative feeding value (87.34%) and the highest concentration of NDF (653.28 g
kg-1), cellulose (297.50 g kg-1), hemicellulose (298.81 g kg-1) and the amount of GE (18.92 MJ/kg DM). The vegetative mass of Lolium multiflorum L. has the lowest IVDMD (638.48-638.65 g kg-1). The fodder of Festuca pratensis huds has minimum values of ЕE (8.07 MJ/kg DM), FUM (0.74 in kg DM) and FUG (0.67 in kg DM), and the content of CFr exceeds by 3.7% the average value of the trait (37.6%).
Keywords: ADF (Acid detergent fiber); ADL (Acid detergent lignin); grass fodder; in vitro digestibility; NDF (Neutral Detergent Fibers); nutritional value
Date published: 2023-06-28
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