[session_started] => 1740004805
Yield of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) under the influence of weed competition and determination of the critical period of their control
Ivko Stamatov and Stanislav Stamatov
Abstract: During the period 2018 – 2020, a study was conducted on the negative impact of weed on the elements of yield in peanuts type Valencia with the Bulgarian variety Kremena. It was found that duration of the period with weeds after the fourteenth day after the emergence of peanuts leads to a statistically significant loss of yield. Extending this period over time exponentially reduces the yield. The harmful effect of weeds is shown by the duration of weeding, the conditions of the year and the interaction between them. Of the three factors studied, the most detrimental is the detrimental effect of duration of the period with weeds. The critical period of weeding was calculated using the Compertz model. The three-parameter equation describes the effect of the negative influence of weeding duration on the relative yield. For the subject elements of yield, the established critical period is between the fifteenth and thirty- third day after the emergence of the peanuts.
Keywords: Yield of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) under the influence of weed competition and determination of the critical period of their control
Date published: 2022-10-11
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